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1. 题目: Biochar reduces plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance gene transfer in earthworm ecological filters for rural sewage treatment
文章编号: N25011608
期刊: Journal of Hazardous Materials
作者: Meng Zhao, Kui Huang, Feifei Wen, Hui Xia, Bingyu Song
更新时间: 2025-01-16
摘要: The spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in rural wastewater threatens both ecological environment and human health. Earthworm ecological filters (EEFs) represent a green technology for rural sewage treatment. However, their effectiveness in removing ARGs remains a significant challenge. This study aims to investigate the role and underlying mechanisms of biochar addition in enhancing ARGs removal in rural sewage using EEFs. To achieve this, the fate of chromosome- and plasmid-carried ARGs was quantified in constructed EEFs, both with and without biochar addition. The results showed that the biochar could effectively remove ARGs from rural sewage, with a better removal efficiency for plasmid-carried ARGs. The absolute abundance of plasmid-carried ARGs in the effluent was reduced by 0.4 to 11 times compared to chromosomal ones, showing removal stability improved by 13.11% to 74.51%. Additionally, the functional microbial community attached on the high porosity of biochar surface promoted ARGs retention, increasing diffusion limitation in microbial assembly mechanisms by 4.61-29.44%, which played a key role in plasmid-mediated horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) revealed that biochar-mediated environmental changes and the HGT of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) were critical factors in reducing plasmid-carried ARGs in EEFs.

2. 题目: Impact of algal organic matter on the performance and microbial community of biologically-active filtration systems
文章编号: N25011607
期刊: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
作者: Zhiwei Zhou, Luming Ding, Xinwei Zuo, Fei Han, Xing Li, Jiawei Ren, Zedong Lu
更新时间: 2025-01-16
摘要: Biological activated carbon (BAC) filtration, both alone and in combination with ozone pretreatment (O3-BAC filtration), are advanced treatment technologies widely employed in drinking water treatment plants. However, the impact of algal organic matter (AOM) on their performance and associated microbial communities remained inadequately understood. This study investigated BAC and O3-BAC filtration using columns filled with two types of granular activated carbon (GAC) and fed with sand-filtered water spiked with AOM. Microbial communities that developed on GAC were subsequently characterized. The results indicated that AOM significantly reduced the removal of organic matter during the biodegradation phase, but ozone treatment effectively mitigated this reduction. Excitation and emission matrix analysis demonstrated that AOM particularly hindered the removal of non-terrestrial humic substances, especially tyrosine-like substances, whose removal was further diminished by ozone oxidation. Furthermore, neither biomass nor biological activity determined BAC performance. AOM and ozone oxidation had differential impacts on bacterial community structures: AOM reduced the abundance of Proteobacteria while increasing Bacteroidota and Chloroflexi, whereas ozone promoted Proteobacteria. Positive correlations were observed between Proteobacteria and UV254 removal (p < 0.01), and between Chloroflexi and CODMn removal (p < 0.05). This study provides valuable insights into the effects of AOM on pollutant removal and microbial community dynamics in BAC and O3-BAC filtration systems.

3. 题目: Natural Organic Matter Stabilizes Pristine Nanoplastics but Destabilizes Photochemical Weathered Nanoplastics in Monovalent Electrolyte Solutions
文章编号: N25011606
期刊: Environmental Science & Technology
作者: Yanghui Xu, Xintu Wang, Jan Peter van der Hoek, Gang Liu, Kim Maren Lompe
更新时间: 2025-01-16
摘要: Photochemical weathering and eco-corona formation through natural organic matter (NOM) adsorption play vital roles in the aggregation tendencies of nanoplastics (NPs) in aquatic environments. However, it remains unclear how photochemical weathering alters the adsorption patterns of NOM and the conformation of the eco-corona, subsequently affecting the aggregation tendencies of NPs. This study examined the effect of Suwannee River NOM adsorption on the aggregation kinetics of pristine and photoaged polystyrene (PS) NPs in monovalent electrolyte solutions. The results showed that photochemical weathering influenced the conformation of the eco-corona, which, in turn, determined NP stability in the presence of NOM. Hydrophobic components of NOM predominantly bound to pristine NPs through hydrophobic and π–π interactions, and extended hydrophilic segments in water hindered NP aggregation via steric repulsion. Conversely, hydrogen bonding facilitated the binding of these hydrophilic segments to multiple photoaged NPs, thereby destabilizing them through polymer bridging. Additionally, the stabilization and destabilization capacities of NOM increased with its concentration and molecular weight. These findings shed light on the destabilizing role of NOM in weathered NPs, offering new perspectives on environmental colloidal chemistry and the fate of NPs in complex aquatic environments.

4. 题目: Transformation processes of total suspended solids and dissolved organic matter in rivers: Influences of different land use sources and degradation processes
文章编号: N25011605
期刊: Science of the Total Environment
作者: Chen Gong, Hanxiao Zhang, Shouliang Huo, Jingtian Zhang, Nanyan Weng, Wenpan Li
更新时间: 2025-01-16
摘要: The riverine dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool constitutes the largest and most dynamic organic carbon reservoir within inland aquatic systems. Human activities significantly alter the distribution of organic matter (OM) in rivers, thereby affecting the availability of DOM. However, the impact of total suspended solids (TSS) on DOM under anthropogenic influence remains insufficiently elucidated. This study employed Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, DOC characterization, and incubation experiments to investigate how land use and degradation processes influence TSS-DOM transformation in rivers. Our findings revealed that geographical patterns cause significant variations in both DOM composition and TSS content. Anthropogenic impacts led to an increase in autochthonous TSS content and an enhanced relative intensity (RI) of nitrogen (N)- and sulfur (S)-containing compounds in riverine DOM. The presence of TSS increased the bioavailability of DOM from 29.97 % to 33.57 %. However, during both photodegradation and combined degradation processes, the presence of TSS reduced the bioavailability of DOM. The degradation rate constant (k) of DOM decreased as degradation time increased. The k values were significantly correlated with the CHO components in natural rivers and with N- and S-containing components in human-influenced rivers. The degradation rates of DOC under different land uses were 0.05 ± 0.04 d−1, 0.07 ± 0.06 d−1, and 0.08 ± 0.06 d−1 in forested, urban, and cropland-influenced rivers, respectively. The content of aliphatic compounds and the number of CHOS molecules in TSS-containing water were higher than in TSS-free water during the combined process of photochemical and microbial degradation, while the saturation and aromaticity of the compounds were lower. The characteristics of autochthonous DOM were more pronounced under the influence of TSS photorespiration. During drinking water disinfection, these small molecules derived from autochthonous TSS may contribute to an increase in disinfection by-products (DBPs) in drinking water. This study enhanced our understanding of how changes in autochthonous TSS content, driven by geographical heterogeneity and human activities, influence the biogeochemical processes of DOM in water, as well as the underlying molecular mechanisms and implications for water quality safety.

5. 题目: Evaluation of Fenton-like reaction for sorption and degradation of kasugamycin in the presence of biochar
文章编号: N25011604
期刊: Environmental Geochemistry and Health
作者: Wei Zhang, Liqiang Cui, Jingwen Ma, Shuyan Cui, Guixiang Quan, Jinlong Yan, Fengfeng Sui, Hui Wang, Kiran Hina, Qaiser Hussain
更新时间: 2025-01-16

Although the use of biochar as an adsorbent for the removal of various pollutants from wastewater is well established, the use of biochar/modified biochar for the scavenging of antibiotics from aqueous media in the Fenton-like system receives less attention. The highest kasugamycin (KSM) adsorption capacity (5.0 mg g−1) was obtained from the pristine biochar at the lowest initial pH of 3 in Fenton-like system. The Fenton-like system improved the KSM adsorption capacity of pristine biochar by 222.2%, 169.9%, and 159.9% at 25 °C, 35 °C, and 45 °C comparing to control, respectively, and it also increased adsorption capacity by 97.4%, 63.8%, and 56.8% comparing to modified biochar. The amounts of biochar applied and the Fenton-like system affected KSM mineralization and degradation. The KSM degradation products had a significant amount of small molecular organic matter (m/z 384) and a tetrahydropyran structure that was difficult to degrade. The highly efficient degradation of KSM in Fenton-like system can be attributed to the generation of large amounts of hydroxyl radical (·OH) and functional groups (C=C, C=O, etc.).

6. 题目: The role of photooxidation and organic matter in Cr(III) and Cr(VI) interactions with poly(lactic acid) microplastics in aqueous solution
文章编号: N25011603
期刊: Science of the Total Environment
作者: Ricardo H P Pedroza, Calin David, José L Barriada, Carlos Rey-Castro, Pablo Lodeiro
更新时间: 2025-01-16
摘要: There is limited research on the influence of environmental variables on the interactions of biodegradable microplastics with chromium. This study reports the results of adsorption experiments with Cr and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) in synthetic aqueous solutions. It addresses the influence of the initial oxidation state, Cr(III) or Cr(VI), the effects of UV irradiation and the presence of organic matter. The results indicate that pristine PLA has a low affinity for Cr (between 0.05 and 46 μg/g) across varying pH levels, ionic strengths, and microplastic concentrations. However, the presence of organic matter (OM), represented by humic and tannic acids, resulted in 5.2-fold and 620-fold increases for Cr(III) and Cr(VI) adsorption, respectively. Possible mechanisms for that behavior are discussed, including Cr-OM complexation and formation of surface coatings. Noteworthy, we demonstrate that Cr(VI) adsorption involves a coupled redox-complexation process that appears to be related to the antioxidant potential of OM. Indeed, the ratio of (poly)phenol content of tannic and humic acids (6.23) is consistent with the ratio of Cr(VI) reduction in presence of both acids (6.97). Finally, photooxidation of PLA enhanced Cr(III) and Cr(VI) adsorption by a factor of 60 and 15, respectively. This is primarily attributed to UV-induced changes in surface chemical groups (increased oxygen content), rather than a change in surface area. This research provides key insights into the behavior of PLA as a potential Cr carrier, revealing the importance of organic matter and the photoaging of microplastics in the mobility of trace metal pollutants in the environment.

7. 题目: How Rilling and Biochar Addition Affect Hydraulic Properties of a Clay‐Loam Soil
文章编号: N25011602
期刊: European Journal of Soil Science
作者: Vincenzo Bagarello, Pellegrino Conte, Vito Ferro, Massimo Iovino, Calogero Librici, Alessio Nicosia, Vincenzo Palmeri, Vincenzo Pampalone, Francesco Zanna
更新时间: 2025-01-16
摘要: Rill erosion is a significant problem worldwide as it determines relevant amounts of soil loss on hillslopes. Although, in the last few years, many studies have focused on rill erosion and biochar as soil amendment, their influence on soil hydrological properties and relevance on soil conservation strategies is still uncertain. In this paper, the effects of rill formation and biochar addition on the physical and hydraulic properties of a clay‐loam soil were assessed by laboratory measurements (water retention, hydraulic conductivity, minidisk infiltrometer data and 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry with the fast field cycling (FFC) setup) and field tests (rill formation tests at the plot scale). The rilled and non‐rilled soils did not show any difference in the volume of pores with a diameter (d) > 300 μm, but the former showed a smaller volume for the pores in the size range between 300 and 0.2 μm. As compared with an untreated rilled soil, the addition of 5% (w w−1) biochar in the soil in which the rill is incised did not change the volume of pores with d > 300 μm, while there were more pores of both 30 ≤ d ≤ 300 μm and 0.2 ≤ d ≤ 30 μm. Moreover, there were less pores with d < 0.2 μm. Shaping the rill did not influence the hydraulic conductivity of the nearly saturated soil (pressure head, h = −1 cm), while it determined a significant decrease of the soil ability to transmit water in more unsaturated conditions (h ≤ −3 cm). The addition of biochar to the soil improved, in general, the soil aptitude to transmit water, regardless of the pore size. However, this improvement was statistically irrelevant in the case of a transport process governed by larger pores. The hydrological measurements also demonstrated that the addition of a large amount of biochar (5%) impedes soil characteristics alteration as the changes due to rilling are balanced by adding biochar in the soil. NMR was also used to measure the structural and functional connectivity of the original soil, the biochar and a mixture with three biochar concentrations (i.e., BC = 1%, 3% and 5% w w−1) traditionally applied in agronomical activity. These measurements revealed that the mixture of soil and biochar was characterised by longitudinal relaxation time (T1) values, which are related to pore sizes, longer than those measured for the soil. In addition, the soil empirical cumulative frequency distribution of T1 was always skewed towards shorter T1 values, thereby suggesting that the macro‐pore component (i.e., the largest T1 values) was never dominant while biochar addition increased the size of mesopores and micropores. Biochar concentrations larger than 3% (w w−1) did not produce appreciable changes in the pore distribution inside the mixture. The biochar component improved the structural connectivity up to BC = 5%, while decreased the functional connectivity up to BC = 3%. A relationship between the water volume contained in soil pores and the NMR data were established for the micropores (d ≤ 0.2 μm). The biochar‐amended soil was characterised by fewer small pores, but these micropores were greater than those in non‐treated soil.

8. 题目: Safe Production of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Arsenic-Contaminated Soil: a Remedial Strategy using Micro-Nanostructured Bone Biochar
文章编号: N25011601
期刊: Environmental Science & Technology
作者: Yi Hao, Chuanxin Ma, Zeyu Cai, Lanfang Han, Weili Jia, Yini Cao, Jason C White, Anqi Liang, Xinxin Xu, Hao Li, Guangcai Chen, Jiang Xiao, Wenfu Zheng, Luca Pagano, Elena Maestri, Marta Marmiroli, Nelson Marmiroli, Jian Zhao, Baoshan Xing
更新时间: 2025-01-16
摘要: This study investigated the effects of fine-sized pork bone biochar particles on remediating As-contaminated soil and alleviating associated phytotoxicity to rice in 50-day short-term and 120-day full-life-cycle pot experiments. The addition of micro-nanostructured pork bone biochar (BC) pyrolyzed at 400 and 600 °C (BC400 and BC600) significantly increased the As-treated shoot and root fresh weight by 24.4–77.6%, while simultaneously reducing tissue As accumulation by 26.7–64.1% and increasing soil As content by 17.1–27.1% as compared to As treatment. Microbial community analysis demonstrated that BC600 and BC400 treatments increased the proportion of plant growth-promoting microbes such as Ceratobasidium and Achromobacter by 33–81.6% in the roots and As adsorption-associated Bacillus by 1.15–1.59-fold in the rhizosphere soil. Metabolomic profiling suggests that BC and As coexposure triggered differentially expressed metabolites (DEMs) enriched in lipid, carbohydrate, and amino acid metabolic pathways, all of which could alleviate As-induced phytotoxicity and promote plant As tolerance. Importantly, the quality of As-treated rice grains was improved by the BC amendments. This study demonstrates the significant potential of BC for enhancing crop growth and minimizing the As-induced phytotoxicity to rice and provides a framework for a promising strategy for remediating heavy metal(loid)-contaminated soil while simultaneously promoting food safety.

9. 题目: Highly efficient charge carrier separation in ZnO-NiFe2O4@biochar Z-scheme heterojunction mediated by persistent free radicals for metronidazole degradation
文章编号: N25011511
期刊: Chemical Engineering Journal
作者: Hao Cai, Yifei Niu, Tianyuan Guan, Xi You, Xiaolong Ma, Xiaoxu Zhang
更新时间: 2025-01-15
摘要: The metal components within the heterojunction significantly affect the formation of persistent free radicals (PFRs) in biochar. In the current research, a novel ZnO-NiFe2O4@Biochar (ZNBC) Z-scheme Heterojunction, characterized by the presence of carbon–oxygen-centered PFRs on its surface, was synthesized using the impregnation and calcination method. Here, we employed PFRs to facilitate charge transfer within ZNBC, effectively inhibiting the recombination process involving electrons and holes. This process improves the capture and transfer of photoexcited electrons through PFRs, directing them towards O2, H2O2, or –OH. Consequently, this interaction promotes the generation of hydroxyl radicals (•OH) and superoxide anion radicals (•O2‾), thereby sustaining the redox potential of the photocatalytic system. Results show that ZNBC has inherited the rapid adsorption properties of BC, exhibiting improved photocatalytic activity under visible light across an extended pH spectrum, from 3 to 7. At pH 7.0, the removal of 92.9 % of metronidazole (MNZ) was achieved with the addition of only 6.6 mM H2O2 as a supplementary agent. This research introduces an innovative method for regulating PFRs in biochar through the application of Z-scheme heterojunctions, demonstrating the potential of ZNBC for managing industrial wastewater across a broad pH spectrum in practical engineering applications.

10. 题目: Ammonium sulfite slurry activates lignite for water-soluble humic acid: Catalytic oxidation, characteristics, and salt tolerance in rice
文章编号: N25011510
期刊: Environmental Technology & Innovation
作者: Songyuan Wang, Yuanyuan Yao, Bin Gao, Guifang Shi, Guiwei Wang, Shan Li, Yan Liu, Denglun Chen, Jiahui Liu, Yuechao Yang
更新时间: 2025-01-15
摘要: Economical and environmentally friendly disposal of ammonium sulfite slurry (ASS) from ammonia-based desulfurization is vital for SO2 pollution abatement. Applying ASS to active lignite is highly desirable to achieve resource utilization without environmental pollution. In this study, an innovative method was developed using an efficient VOxQDs catalyst to promote the activation of lignite with ASS, resulting in the production of more water-soluble humic substances (WHSs) with higher bioactivity. The optimal activation method involved mixing ASS and lignite at a 4:1 liquid−solid ratio, along with 0.6 mL of VOxQDs (ALV (4:1)). Compared to AL (4:1), the yield of WHSs from ALV (4:1) increased by 12.41 %. WHSs from ALV (4:1) exhibited smaller molecular weight, higher aliphatic carbon, and greater abundance of polar functional groups compared to those produced without the VOxQDs catalyst in AL (4:1). Moreover, ASS activation reduced the WHSs concentration requirement for rice. WHSs from ALV (4:1) showed more significant effect on seed germination and root length than from AL (4:1). Fluorescent dye DiBAC4(3) and NMT equipment were used to assess the rice membrane potential (MP) at salt stress. The results showed that WHSs from ALV (4:1) prompted greater MP hyperpolarization than from AL (4:1), further enhancing salt tolerance of rice. This research highlights the importance of VOxQDs in lignite activation with ASS and provides a theoretical basis for developing green and sustainable technologies for the beneficial reuse of ASS.

11. 题目: Arctic soil carbon insulation averts large spring cooling from surface–atmosphere feedbacks
文章编号: N25011509
期刊: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
作者: Rémi Gaillard, Philippe Peylin, Patricia Cadule, Vladislav Bastrikov, Frédérique Chéruy, Amélie Cuynet, Josefine Ghattas, Dan Zhu, Bertrand Guenet
更新时间: 2025-01-15
摘要: The insulative properties of soil organic carbon (SOC) and surface organic layers (moss, lichens, litter) regulate surface–atmosphere energy exchanges in the Arctic through a coupling with soil temperatures. However, a physical description of this process is lacking in many climate models, potentially biasing their high-latitude climate predictions. Using a coupled surface–atmosphere model, we identified a strong feedback loop between soil insulation, surface air temperature, and snowfall. Without insulation, the latent heat needed for soil ice thawing leads to a late spring and summer cold bias in surface air temperature (above 2 °C) over Arctic regions. The integration of soil insulation eliminates this bias and significantly improves the simulation of permafrost dynamics. Our findings, including the potential consequences of large perturbations (e.g., fires), highlight the importance of combining soil water freezing with a physical representation of SOC and surface organic layer insulation in Earth system models, to improve Arctic climate predictions.

12. 题目: Increased but not pristine soil organic carbon stocks in restored ecosystems
文章编号: N25011508
期刊: Nature Communications
作者: Irene Ascenzi, Jelle P Hilbers, Marieke M van Katwijk, Mark A J Huijbregts, Steef V Hanssen
更新时间: 2025-01-15

Ecosystem restoration can contribute to climate change mitigation, as recovering ecosystems sequester atmospheric CO2 in biomass and soils. It is, however, unclear how much soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks recover across different restored ecosystems. Here, we show SOC recovery in different contexts globally by consolidating 41 meta-analyses into a second-order meta-analysis. We find that restoration projects have, since their inception, led to significant SOC increases compared to the degraded state in 12 out of 16 ecosystem-previous land-use combinations, with mean SOC increases thus far that range from 25% (grasslands; 10–39%, 95% CI) to 79% (shrublands; 38–120% CI). Yet, we observe a SOC deficit in restored ecosystems compared to pristine sites, ranging from 14% (forests; 12–16% CI) to 50% (wetlands; 14–87% CI). While restoration does increase carbon sequestration in SOC, it should not be viewed as a way to fully offset carbon losses in natural ecosystems, whose conservation has priority.

13. 题目: Implications of Pyrolytic Gas Dynamic Evolution on Dissolved Black Carbon Formed During Production of Biochar from Nitrogen-Rich Feedstock
文章编号: N25011507
期刊: Environmental Science & Technology
作者: Xiaoxiao Zhang, Zibo Xu, Yuqing Sun, Sanjay K Mohanty, Hanwu Lei, Eakalak Khan, Daniel C W Tsang
更新时间: 2025-01-15
摘要: Gases and dissolved black carbon (DBC) formed during pyrolysis of nitrogen-rich feedstock would affect atmospheric and aquatic environments. Yet, the mechanisms driving biomass gas evolution and DBC formation are poorly understood. Using thermogravimetric-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy, we correlated the temperature-dependent primary noncondensable gas release sequence (H2O → CO2 → HCN, NH3 → CH4 → CO) with specific defunctionalization stages in the order: dehydration, decarboxylation, denitrogenation, demethylation, and decarbonylation. Our results revealed that proteins in feedstock mainly contributed to gas releases, and low-volatile pyrolytic products contributed to DBC. Combining mass difference analysis with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, we showed that 44–60% of DBC molecular compositions were correlated with primary gas-releasing reactions. Dehydration (−H2O), with lower reaction energy barrier, contributed to DBC formation most at 350 and 450 °C, whereas decarboxylation (−CO2) and deamidization (−HCNO) prevailed in contributing to DBC formation at 550 °C. The aromaticity changes of DBC products formed via gas emissions were deduced. Compared to their precursors, dehydration increased DBC aromaticity, while deamidization reduced the aromaticity of DBC products. These insights on pyrolytic byproducts help predict and tune DBC properties via changing gas formed during biochar production, minimizing their negative environmental impacts.

14. 题目: A scalable surface nanoarchitectonics approach for melaleuca bark-derived biochar: Rapid PFOA removal and superior supercapacitor performance
文章编号: N25011506
期刊: Separation and Purification Technology
作者: Manman Xu, Shiqi Fu, Rui Chen, Charlotte S Q Christensen, Cankun Chen, Yuqi Fan, Yuhan Cai, Anqi Wang, Jonathan W C Wong
更新时间: 2025-01-15
摘要: Based on the principles of sustainable development, the porous carbon material with a hierarchical structure derived from Melaleuca bark was developed and applied in environmental pollution control and energy storage. The Melaleuca bark-derived porous carbon material (MBCx) is prepared using a scalable surface modification strategy that is a one-step carbonization and activation process. MBC1 displays a hierarchically micro/mesopore structure with an impressive specific surface area (1956.72 m2 g−1) and a substantial pore volume (1.04 cm3 g−1). It retains the fibrous tubular structure of the precursor while forming interconnected mesoporous structures. As absorbent, the maximum adsorption capacity for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) of MBC1 is 1702.12 mg/g. MBC1 shows excellent stability and reusability, with high selectivity and removal rates for PFOA in actual fluorine-containing wastewater. MBC1 tends to adsorb fluorine atoms compounds with a high degree of fluorination and a greater number of fluorine atoms, suggesting the dominant contribution of hydrophobic interactions. However, polyfluorinated PFAS, in which hydrogen atoms replace fluorine in the perfluorinated structure, generally exhibit reduced adsorption. For energy storage, MBC1 exhibits efficient charge transfer and ion diffusion properties, making it suitable as an electrode material for supercapacitors. The button-type symmetric supercapacitor based on MBC1 shows excellent electrochemical performance, with a specific capacitance reaching 230.6F g−1 at a current density of 0.5 A g−1. This powerful surface engineering strategy offers a promising solution to environmental challenges, while contributing to the advancement of clean energy technologies.

15. 题目: Synergistic effects of clays and cyanobacteria on the accumulation dynamics of soil organic carbon in artificial biocrusts
文章编号: N25011505
期刊: Journal of Environmental Management
作者: Cui Zhang, Xiaoran Chen, Keqiang Zhou, Jianbo Li, J Viridiana García Meza, Shaoxian Song, María Luciana Montes, Nasriddinov Zamoniddin, Ling Xia
更新时间: 2025-01-15
摘要: Biocrusts are the primary organic carbon reservoirs in desert areas, in which inorganic clays potentially playing significant roles; however, the specific details of these roles remain largely unclear. In this study, typical 1:1 type (kaolin) and 2:1 type (montmorillonite, MMT) clay minerals were added to artificial biocrusts to investigate their effect on the acquisition performance of soil organic carbon (SOC). After 84 days of cultivation, the enhancement effects of kaolin and MMT were significant, resulting in SOC increments that were 5.03 times and 4.08 times higher than those of the Algae group (without clay). Notably, the two types of clay exhibited different advantages in SOC accumulation. Due to its larger external specific surface area and higher cation exchange capacity, MMT contributes more effectively to SOC stability. Specifically, the mineralization quotient (qM), hot-water extractable organic carbon (HWEOC), and molecular structural stability of SOC in the MMT group were 0.3, 0.34, and 1.31 times those of the Algae group, respectively. In contrast, kaolin was more favorable for microbial growth and SOC formation due to its higher dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content. Microbial biomass carbon (MBC), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), photosynthetic performance index (PIABS), and Shannon index in the kaolin group were 5.67, 2.44, 11.95, and 1.82 times those of the Algae group, respectively. These findings highlighted the synergistic effect for SOC accumulation of clay and cyanobacteria in artificial biocrust systems, clarified the specific roles of two typical clay minerals, and offered new insights for accelerating the restoration of nutrient-limited areas such as deserts.

16. 题目: Effects of different types and pyrolysis temperature of straw biochar on promoting hydrogen production of sludge fermentation
文章编号: N25011504
期刊: Environmental Technology & Innovation
作者: Zhong-Yuan Ying, Lu-Yan Zhang, Yan Li, Ze-Wen Wang, Liang Qiao, Fei-Hong Wang, Ye Yuan, Shan-Shan Yang, Jie Ding, Nan-Qi Ren, Tian-Ming Chen
更新时间: 2025-01-15
摘要: Biohydrogen production is regarded as a prospective approach for hydrogen production, given its capacity to harness functional microorganisms for the conversion of diverse substrates into hydrogen gas. However, challenges such as low hydrogen production rates and poor stability hinder the large-scale application of dark fermentation. Recent research has shown that biochar is an effective additive in anaerobic fermentation processes. This study investigated the effects of biochar formed from three different kinds of straw at different temperatures on hydrogen production during activated sludge fermentation. The incorporation of rice straw biochar formed at 500 °C (RSBC500) to the fermentation process significantly increased hydrogen production by 27.27 % and improved microbial metabolic pathways. The results of the metabolite analysis indicated a notable increase in the content of both acetate and butyrate, from 16.78 and 15.35 mmol/L, respectively, to 18.50 and 18.26 mmol/L. The characterization of biochar formed at different temperatures and the analysis of the electron transfer capacity of fermentation residues and extracellular polymeric substances revealed that RSBC500 with more redox active functional groups and higher electron transfer capacity enhanced electron transfer between microorganisms. This study presents a strategy for optimizing biochar raw materials and pyrolysis temperatures to promote biohydrogen production, deepening the understanding of biochar promoting hydrogen production from sludge fermentation and providing valuable insights into the resource utilization of crop straw.

17. 题目: Overlooked role of extracellular polymeric substances in antibiotic-resistance gene transfer within microalgae-bacteria system
文章编号: N25011503
期刊: Journal of Hazardous Materials
作者: Shengnan Li, Yun Bai, Zhiling Li, Aijie Wang, Nan-Qi Ren, Shih-Hsin Ho
更新时间: 2025-01-15
摘要: Controlling the spread of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) under antibiotic stress has become an increasingly urgent issue. Microalgae possess the capability to remove antibiotics while concurrently inhibiting ARGs. Microalgae-bacteria systems can produce significant quantities of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). However, the roles of EPS in the spread of ARGs have not been sufficiently explored, resulting in an insufficient understanding of the contribution of each EPS component and a lack of analysis on the complex interactions between EPS and ARGs. This study systematically explored the overlooked role of EPS in the transmission of ARGs within microalgae-bacteria systems. The current results showed that the potential of the microalgae-bacteria system for treating antibiotic wastewater. The tightly bound-EPS (TB-EPS) can acquire the higher absolute abundances of ARGs compared with the loosely bound-EPS (LB-EPS). The correlation coefficient between polysaccharides and TB-EPS ARGs was higher than that between polysaccharides and LB-EPS ARGs. The gene patterns of LB-EPS closely clustered with those of TB-EPS, while intracellular ARG gene patterns differed from both TB-EPS and LB-EPS. Metagenomic analyses indicated that the relative abundances of sul1 and sul2 were considerably higher at the beginning stage compared to the end stage. The abundance of Achromobacter, increased by the end stage, aligning with its potential to produce exopolysaccharide. Additionally, the absolute abundance of genes encoding exopolysaccharides (nagB and galE) and conjugative transfer transcription regulator (traF), increased over time. These findings enhanced our comprehension of the significance of EPS on the fate of ARGs in microalgae-bacteria systems during the treatment of antibiotic-contaminated wastewater.

Environmental Implication

Despite the increasing recognition of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), their role in the transmission of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) within microalgae-bacteria systems remains largely unexplored. This study aims to elucidate the physicochemical characteristics of EPS extracted from microalgae-bacteria system and perform multivariate analyses of EPS and ARGs. Results revealed that polysaccharides had a higher correlation coefficient with tightly bound-EPS (TB-EPS) ARGs compared to loosely bound-EPS (LB-EPS) ARGs. The genes patterns of LB-EPS were closely clustered with those of TB-EPS genes. This work can enhance our comprehension of the significance of EPS in the microalgae-bacteria system for managing the proliferation of ARGs.

18. 题目: Biosorption of cobalt (II) from an aqueous solution over acid modified date seed biochar: an experimental and mass transfer studies
文章编号: N25011502
期刊: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
作者: Khursheed B Ansari, Mohd Danish, Mohammed K Al. Mesfer, Mumtaj Shah, Mohd Danish, Mohammad Danish
更新时间: 2025-01-15

Water pollution because of the presence of heavy metals remains a serious worry. The present work demonstrates the exclusion of cobalt ion (or Co(II)) from water using novel and cost-effective biosorbents. Initially, the biosorbent was chemically modified using orthophosphoric acid and then subjected to calcination to result acid modified date seed biochar (AMDB). Three biosorbents (AMDB400, AMDB500, and AMDB600) were synthesized concerning different activation temperatures (400, 500, and 600 °C). The maximum biosorption of Co(II) was achieved on AMDB600 (149.5 mg/g), followed by AMDB500 (138.33 mg/g), and ADMB400 (129.17 mg/g). For all three biosorbents, the Co(II) removal remained effective within 50–100 min; later it reached saturation. The kinetic analysis suggested strong Co(II) adsorption on AMDB surfaces. The Co(II)-AMDB biosorption data fits well with Temkin isotherm, indicating the heterogeneity on the biosorbent surface and no interaction between adsorbed Co(II)-Co(II) species. The thermodynamic analysis suggested the exothermic and spontaneous adsorption. The intraparticle diffusion of Co(II) within the biosorbent was surface diffusion controlled, as characterized by pore volume and surface diffusion model. The biosorbent reusability was 88.7% after five adsorption–desorption cycles. Thus, presently synthesized biosorbent could be novel and cost-effective for Co(II) and other heavy metal elimination from water bodies.


19. 题目: Removal mechanism of lead by the composite of clinoptilolite, biochar, and Ca(OH)2 and its application in acid wastewater
文章编号: N25011501
期刊: Environmental Technology & Innovation
作者: Yurong Wang, Taolin Zhang, Xingxiang Wang
更新时间: 2025-01-15
摘要: The discharge of lead (Pb)-contaminated wastewater poses a significant ecological risk on a global scale. To address this issue and develop efficient pollution removal technologies, this study investigates the Pb removal efficiency of a composite material comprising MgCl2-modified natural clinoptilolite, phosphoric acid-modified biochar, and Ca(OH)2 in wastewater, along with its removal mechanism. The results indicated that the removal efficiency of Pb by the composite exceeded 99 % in wastewater. This study is the first to observe the formation of (Pb4(OH)4)(NO3)4 and Pb2(NO3)2(OH)2 during Pb removal from wastewater, as evidenced by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results confirmed that the composite could immobilize a significant amount of Pb through the formation of lattice oxygen-Pb compounds and stable covalent bonds between Pb and nitrogen (N). These findings suggest that the composite holds strong potential for practical applications in wastewater treatment.

20. 题目: Integrated removal of chromium, lead, and cadmium using nano-zero-valent iron-supported biochar: Mechanistic insights and eco-toxicity assessment
文章编号: N25011409
期刊: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
作者: Yuzhen Wei, Jialu Yu, Fasih Ullah Haider, Qinhu Zhang, Run Chu, Cai Liqun
更新时间: 2025-01-14
摘要: The contamination of water and soil by heavy metals (HMs) is a global issue that should be given much more concern. Modified nano-zero-valent iron (nZVI) composites offer an effective strategy for HMs remediation, but few studies have focused on removing coexisting HMs and the eco-toxicity of the composite. In this study, corn straw biochar-supported nZVI composites (nZVI-BC) were synthesized, characterized and used for the removal of Cr6 +, Pb2+, and Cd2+ in single and multi-system at different composites dosages, metal concentrations, and solution pH. This study indicated that the composites exhibited enhanced removal capacities for Cr6+, Pb2+, and Cd2+ (respectively 82.24, 737.2, and 545.28 mg g−1), which were considerably superior to those observed with the sole application of biochar (0.05, 89.88, and 108.49 mg g−1) and nZVI (39.8, 297.35, and 191.02 mg g−1). Results of the remediation application of the composites to multi-metal systems revealed that intricate interplay existed between coexisting HMs, which hindered the simultaneous removal effect. The coexistence of Cr6+ and Cd2+ decreased both removal efficiencies by 58.16 % and 14.06 % at high Cr6+ levels, respectively, while the coexistence of Cd2+ and Pb2+ resulted in a decrease in Cd2+ removal efficiency by 14.3 %. An in-depth characterization of the underlying adsorption mechanism was performed by using kinetic and isotherms models such as Pseudo-first-order, Pseudo-second-order, Langmuir and Freundlich, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis. Each HM exhibited a distinct adsorption mechanism. The primary removal processes for Cr6+ and Pb2+ involved adsorption, reduction, and precipitation, whereas Cd2+ was mainly removed by adsorption and precipitation. Eco-toxicity experiments revealed that nZVI-BC enhanced pak choi (Brassica rapa L.) seeds germination (13.32, 17.22, and 23.33 %) and vigor indexes (1.22, 1.44, and 1.15) under Cr6+, Pb2+, and Cd2+ contamination, respectively. Nevertheless, an observed shift in toxicity occurred when the composites dosage for Cr6+, Pb2+, and Cd2+ exceeded 2, 4, and 4 g L−1, respectively, thereby instigating adverse effects on the early stages of plant growth. This work elucidates the removal mechanism and intricate reactions between co-existing HMs, highlighting the potential of nZVI-BC as a remediation strategy for HMs contamination.

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