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21. 题目: Molecular composition of dissolved organic matter from young organic‐rich hydrothermal deep‐sea sediments 文章编号: N25020815 期刊: Limnology and Oceanography 作者: Jonas Brünjes, Florence Schubotz, Andreas Teske, Michael Seidel 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: Hydrothermal transformations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) are governed by temperature and sedimentary organic carbon content, resulting in the release of hydrothermal DOM containing bioavailable compounds fueling benthic microbes. However, the temperature‐dependent molecular changes in porewater DOM from organic‐rich hydrothermal sediments, and the extent to which these changes contribute to the marine recalcitrant DOM, remain largely unexplored. Here we investigated the DOM composition of hydrothermal porewater and bottom water samples from the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, where basaltic sill intrusions generate hydrothermal petroleum in organic‐rich sediments. Samples containing hydrothermal petroleum with in situ temperatures from 4°C to > 106°C were analyzed using Fourier‐transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and parallel factor analysis of excitation‐emission matrices from fluorescent DOM (FDOM). We found that the porewater DOM composition was strongly influenced by temperature and petroleum dissolution, evidenced by the enrichment of hydrothermal DOM with highly unsaturated, oxygen‐depleted aromatic, sulfur‐containing molecular formulae and petroleum‐associated FDOM compared to a cold reference site. In bottom waters, hydrothermal DOM accounted for ~ 26% of the DOM molecular formulae, with 82% exhibiting hydrogen‐to‐carbon ratios < 1.5, indicating their recalcitrance. The remaining ~ 18% of the hydrothermal molecular formulae were aliphatic and saturated, representing the release of bioavailable DOM to the ocean. Our results show that hydrothermal sediments are a source of both bioavailable and recalcitrant DOM, releasing water‐soluble petroleum‐derived compounds to the deep ocean. Our study highlights the need for more quantitative research on the contribution of hydrothermal sediments to deep‐sea DOM cycling. |
22. 题目: Enhancing anaerobic digestion for treating landfill leachate based on S, N-modified biochar: Synergistic enhancement of microbes-to-pollutants and inter-microbes extracellular electron transfer 文章编号: N25020814 期刊: Journal of Cleaner Production 作者: Xinyuan Wang, Xinyang Liu, Duoying Zhang, Longyi Lv, Jinsong Liang, Li Sun, Xiaoyang Liu, Wenfang Gao, Guangming Zhang, Zhijun Ren, Mengqi Zheng 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: Refractory organic pollutants of high concentration in landfill leachate can lead to the inhibition of the traditional anaerobic biological treatment process and even cause the collapse of anaerobic reactor. Enhancing extracellular electron transfer (EET) rate of microorganisms can effectively improve anaerobic biological treatment efficiency for treating refractory organic pollutants. In this study, the biochar was modified with S and N at the same time, and it was found by various characterization techniques that S, N-modified biochar (S-N-BC) has rich redox functional groups along with excellent electrochemical properties. By adding S-N-BC, the chemical oxygen demand removal was increased by 31.6% compared with the control group, and the specific methanogenic activity was increased by about 40% compared with the control group. Microbial extracellular polymer secretion and average sludge particle size stabilization were promoted by S-N-BC. Establishment of a protective barrier for sludge in the S-N-BC group provided prerequisites and transfer pathways for EET process of microorganisms. In addition, the microbial community was optimized by S-N-BC, the enrichment of functional microorganisms was promoted, and direct interspecies electron transfer pathway among synergistic microorganisms was established. Two-way coupled electron transfer modeling has been proposed, i.e., microbes-to-pollutants and inter-microbes EET. This study provides guidelines for anaerobic biological treatment of actual landfill leachate. |
23. 题目: Soils signal key mechanisms driving greater protection of organic carbon under aspen compared to spruce forests in a North American montane ecosystem 文章编号: N25020813 期刊: Biogeosciences 作者: Lena Wang, Sharon Billings, Li Li, Daniel Hirmas, Keira Johnson, Devon Kerins, Julio Pachon, Curtis Beutler, Karla Jarecke, Vaishnavi Varikuti, Micah Unruh, Hoori Ajami, Holly Barnard, Alejandro Flores, Kenneth Williams, Pamela Sullivan 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: . Soil organic carbon (SOC) is often retained more effectively in aspen-dominated forests compared to coniferous forests in North America, yet the reasons why are unclear. A potential driver could be differences in SOC protection mechanisms. Over decades to centuries, chemical (e.g., mineral association) and physical (e.g., aggregation) processes can work to preserve SOC stocks, which can vary across cover types. To investigate this hypothesis, we evaluate controls on SOC concentrations in the Coal Creek watershed (CO, USA), a montane ecosystem dominated by quaking aspen and Engelmann spruce and underlain by granite and sandstone. We examined a combination of biological, chemical, physical, and environmental conditions to evaluate potential abiotic and biotic mechanisms of SOC preservation at multiple depths. As expected, we observed greater SOC under aspen compared to spruce. Growing season soil moisture, temperature, and CO2 and O2 varied with slope position and aspect, and thus forest cover type. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was lower under aspen compared to spruce. Exo-enzyme data indicate that aspen soil microbes exhibited greater effort to seek organically-bound resources; consistent with this, soil organic N exhibited higher δ15N values, hinting at a greater degree of organic matter processing. Finally, aspen roots exhibited greater root abundance, and aspen mineral soils revealed smaller mean aggregate diameters compared to conifer sites. Our data suggest enhanced biotic activities in aspen-dominated forest soils that promote both chemical and physical protection of SOC in aspen- relative to spruce-dominated forests, and associated limitations on DOC export. |
24. 题目: Dissolved Organic Matter Within Soil Aggregates in Forest Restoration: Insights From Optical Properties 文章编号: N25020812 期刊: Land Degradation & Development 作者: Gui‐bang Zhang, Qing‐wei Zhang, Wen‐xuan Kuan, Jian Wang, Jun'e Liu, Hao Wang, Ming Li 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: Forest restoration with Robinia pseudoacacia L. has many benefits, and dynamics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) might provide insight into soil restoration. Nevertheless, studies regarding the changes in the DOM within soil aggregates during artificial forest restoration are relatively limited in semiarid regions. Soil aggregates were collected from the topsoil, middle soil, and subsoil layers (i.e., 0–20, 30–50, and 80–100 cm) at six forests (i.e., R. pseudoacacia L.) lands with various restoration ages in a typical semiarid region. The variations of DOM properties in silt + clay size classes, microaggregates and macroaggregates (i.e., < 0.053 mm, 0.053–0.25 mm, and > 0.25 mm) were explored by UV–visible and three‐dimensional excited emission matrix spectral. Overall, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content (41.24–119.82 mg kg−1) of soil aggregates generally increased with restoration age. The DOC content in topsoil aggregates was 3.11–7.13 times larger than those from the other two soil layers. The molecular weight, aromaticity degree, and humification degree had the same trends as that of DOC content with soil depth. The DOC content and aromaticity degree of DOM in macroaggregates were 1.26–4.27 times and 1.01–1.18 times higher than those in microaggregates and silt + clay size classes at most soil layers, respectively. These variations in DOM within soil aggregates were primarily attributed to the changes in soil texture and the densities of plant roots and litter during the forest restoration. The study reveals the positive impact of forest restoration on the increase of DOC content, providing scientific evidence for soil management. |
25. 题目: Enhanced adsorption and regulation mechanism of ball milling-modified biochar on Cd and atrazine in soil 文章编号: N25020811 期刊: Environmental Science and Pollution Research 作者: Luqi Mi, Yetong Liu, Qingqing Huang, Lijie Zhao, Xu Qin, Yuebing Sun, Boyan Li 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: In order to improve the adsorption and immobilization capacity of biochar for Cd and atrazine in soil, the biochar was prepared from corn straw and modified by dry ball milling under various conditions. Compared with the pristine biochar (PB), the ball-milled biochar (BB) had a larger specific surface area and more pores, the number of oxygen-containing functional groups increased significantly, and the adsorption capacity of Cd and atrazine increased by 9.0% and 139.4%, respectively. Compared with a single pollutant, the adsorption capacity of PB and BB for Cd increased by 4.6% and 9.3%, respectively, and the adsorption capacity of atrazine increased by 97.1% and 11.5%, respectively. The increase of atrazine adsorption after modification was higher than that of Cd. In the desorption test, ball-milled modification decreased the desorption rate of Cd and atrazine, while the desorption rate of atrazine was much lower than that of Cd. Therefore, the biochar modified by ball-milled had stronger adsorption and fixation capacity for Cd and atrazine, which provides a basis for more effective remediation of soil polluted by Cd and atrazine. |
26. 题目: Sources, degradation, and thermal stability of organic matter in riparian soils along two major rivers of China 文章编号: N25020810 期刊: Catena 作者: Le Wang, Peng Yao, Zheng Wang, Bin Zhao, Nan Wang, Xiwen Ye, Chao Gao 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: Riparian zones function as critical interfaces for the cycling of organic matter (OM) among terrestrial, aquatic, and oceanic environments. However, the characteristics of OM in riparian soils are not yet well understood. This study examined total organic carbon (TOC), stable carbon isotopic composition (δ13C), lignin phenols, and thermal gravimetric properties of OM in riparian soils along the Changjiang and Huanghe. The primary objective of this study was to enhance our understanding of the sources, distribution, degradation, and thermal stability of soil OM in these two major river systems in China. The TOC and lignin contents (Λ8) in riparian soils along the Changjiang were found to be relatively higher than those in the Huanghe soils. Both river systems exhibited considerable spatial heterogeneity and seasonal variability. Analyses of δ13C, carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratios, and Λ8 indicate that the OM in the soils of both river systems primarily originates from terrestrial higher plants and aquatic vegetation, but modified by microbial processes. However, the lignin decay parameters and the ratios of TOC and Λ8 to specific surface area (SSA) suggest that the degradation of OM in these soils is less extensive compared to that in riverine particulate matters and coastal sediments. This indicates a substantial loss of terrestrial OM and an addition of marine OM during the transport from soils to rivers and estuaries. The carbon reactivity index (CRI) of the soils, as determined by thermogravimetric analysis, ranged from 50% to 100%, which is generally lower than that observed in coastal sediments, suggesting that the OM in these soils exhibits greater thermal reactivity. This study addresses a critical knowledge gap regarding the lignin and thermal stability of OM in China’s terrestrial ecosystems, providing a foundation for a better understanding of the fate of terrestrial OM as it transitions from land to ocean. |
27. 题目: The influence of photoperiod and organic carbon levels in parabens removal from wastewater by Chlorella vulgaris 文章编号: N25020809 期刊: Journal of Environmental Management 作者: Carolina Maia, Henrique Sousa, Francisca Vale, Cátia A Sousa, Manuel Simões 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: Parabens are emerging contaminants due to their abundant use as preservatives and inefficient treatment in wastewater (WW) treatment plants. To overcome the limitations of WW treatment plants in removing parabens, microalgae-based bioremediation has aroused great interest as an effective and sustainable process. Nevertheless, several factors affect the WW bioremediation capacity, which must be studied to achieve an effective biological treatment. The main objective of the present work was to evaluate the effects of photoperiod and WW composition, specifically organic carbon concentration (sourced as glucose), on the ability of the microalga Chlorella vulgaris to remove methylparaben (MetP). For that, two photoperiods (12/12 h light/dark and 24 h light) were studied and the composition of synthetic WW (SWW) was manipulated to have a glucose concentration of 0, 3, 30, or 300 mg/L. It was observed that the photoperiod significantly affects the bioremediation process. For a 12/12 h photoperiod, MetP was not removed. Removal was effective for a 24 h photoperiod, with percentages of MetP removal over 88% for glucose concentrations lower than 30 mg/L, decreasing for higher glucose levels. MetP photodegradation was negligible. For the 24 h photoperiod, it was possible to verify that higher glucose concentrations decreased microalga growth, with a decrease in the specific growth rate and the production of photosynthetic pigments. Furthermore, with the increase of the glucose concentration, the MetP constant rate of degradation decreased and its half-life time increased, taking longer to degrade the contaminant (through diauxic growth). Also, C. vulgaris exhibited strong growth ability and removed over 80% of nitrogen and phosphorous, unaffected by the presence of MetP and proportional to glucose levels, underscoring its potential for treating WW contaminated with high concentrations of parabens. |
28. 题目: Influence of Soil Texture on the Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon From Sentinel‐2 Temporal Mosaics at 34 European Sites 文章编号: N25020808 期刊: European Journal of Soil Science 作者: J Wetterlind, M Simmler, F Castaldi, L Borůvka, J L Gabriel, L C Gomes, V Khosravi, C Kıvrak, M H Koparan, A Lázaro‐López, A Łopatka, F Liebisch, J A Rodriguez, A Ö Savaş, B Stenberg, T Tunçay, I Vinci, J Volungevičius, R Žydelis, E Vaudour 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: Multispectral imaging satellites such as Sentinel‐2 are considered a possible tool to assist in the mapping of soil organic carbon (SOC) using images of bare soil. However, the reported results are variable. The measured reflectance of the soil surface is not only related to SOC but also to several other environmental and edaphic factors. Soil texture is one such factor that strongly affects soil reflectance. Depending on the spatial correlation with SOC, the influence of soil texture may improve or hinder the estimation of SOC from spectral data. This study aimed to investigate these influences using local models at 34 sites in different pedo‐climatic zones across 10 European countries. The study sites were individual agricultural fields or a few fields in close proximity. For each site, local models to predict SOC and the clay particle size fraction were developed using the Sentinel‐2 temporal mosaics of bare soil images. Overall, predicting SOC and clay was difficult, and prediction performances with a ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) > 1.5 were observed at 8 and 12 of the 34 sites for SOC and clay, respectively. A general relationship between SOC prediction performance and the correlation of SOC and clay in soil was evident but explained only a small part of the large variability we observed in SOC prediction performance across the sites. Adding information on soil texture as additional predictors improved SOC prediction on average, but the additional benefit varied strongly between the sites. The average relative importance of the different Sentinel‐2 bands in the SOC and clay models indicated that spectral information in the red and far‐red regions of the visible spectrum was more important for SOC prediction than for clay prediction. The opposite was true for the region around 2200 nm, which was more important in the clay models. |
29. 题目: Exploring carbon dynamics in a slow sand filter using stable isotopes 文章编号: N25020807 期刊: Water Research 作者: Bayan Khojah, Salima Sadeghi, Lubos Polerecky, Jack J Middelburg, Dick van Oevelen, Marcel T J van der Meer, Thilo Behrends 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: Slow sand filtration (SSF) is one of the oldest biofiltration methods for reducing pathogens and organic matter (OM) in water. Due to its efficiency, affordability, and operational simplicity, SSF remains a widely used approach for producing biologically stable drinking water. Although biological activity plays a role in the removal of OM during SSF, its contribution is poorly constrained. Here, we explored the utility of stable isotopes for investigating this role quantitatively on the scale of an operational filter. First, by combining measurements of concentrations and natural isotopic composition in relevant carbon pools (dissolved and solid, organic and inorganic), we found evidence for OM removal through both retention and subsequent mineralization. However, their relative contributions could not be constrained due to insufficient precision and continuity of available data and incomplete knowledge about the relevant isotope fractionation factors. In the other approach, we therefore used laboratory incubations of SSF cores with 13C-labeled glucose over 14 days and found rapid removal of the tracer by the biological community, exceeding the assimilable organic carbon loading rate of the operational filter by 18 times. The glucose removal was not limited to the upper part of the sand column, the schmutzdecke, but occurred throughout the entire sand column. Furthermore, the removal was dominated by bacterial uptake over mineralization, with a substantial part likely retained as carbon reserves. The residence time of the tracer exceeded the duration of the experiment, hampering our ability to estimate the rate of OM mineralization. Analysis of the meiofauna indicated that grazing and/or predation constitutes only a minor sink for the bacterial biomass in the studied filter. Overall, this study illustrates the potential of stable isotopes for studying biological processes in SSF systems, including OM removal under diverse conditions, maturation of new or recently cleaned filters, or interactions within the endogenous biological community. To fully utilize this potential, future work should employ isotope labeling experiments with a longer duration, and consider more systematic and precise monitoring of the concentrations and isotopic composition in the relevant carbon pools. |
30. 题目: Wind erosion control of bare surface soil in arid mining area by cyanobacterial inoculation and biochar amendment 文章编号: N25020806 期刊: Catena 作者: Zhe Wang, Fenghui Sun, Tong Yang, Xueshi Liu, Qinghong Jiang, Haili Shang, Chunli Zheng 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: Open-pit mining creates extensive areas of bare soil. Under the dry, windy climate of northern China, the bare soil surfaces in mining areas are highly susceptible to wind erosion, posing significant threats to both the environment and human health. This study evaluated the effectiveness of combining biochar addition with the artificial inoculation of cyanobacteria to control wind erosion on bare soils in mining areas. Results indicated that biochar addition significantly promoted the formation and development of cyanobacterial crusts. When cyanobacteria were sprayed to the surface of a mining soil and biochar mixture (A1 compounding mode), the maximum levels of crust thickness, chlorophyll a, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), and soluble protein content in the cyanobacteria were observed at a mass ratio of 20:1:2 for soil, cyanobacteria, and biochar. The synergistic effect of biochar and cyanobacteria enhanced soil moisture, nutrient content, aggregate stability, and changed microbial community structure, all of which were conducive to cyanobacteria colonization. Wind tunnel tests demonstrated that the combined use of biochar and cyanobacteria significantly reduced wind erosion on bare soils in mining areas. Microstructure analysis confirmed that biochar provided multiple pathways for algal filaments to cross and extend, while stimulating cyanobacteria to produce more EPS, thereby promoting the cementation of cyanobacteria on soil particles. These results indicate that the technology of combining biochar amendment and cyanobacteria inoculation has significant potential as a wind erosion control strategy. |
31. 题目: Valorization of food waste to biofertilizer and carbon source for denitrification with assistance of plant ash and biochar toward zero solid discharge 文章编号: N25020805 期刊: Bioresource Technology 作者: Lei An, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Jinfeng Lu, Junfeng Wan, Yu Liu 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: This study developed a novel strategy for food waste (FW) valorization through incorporating plant ash and biochar into enzymatic hydrolysis of FW. After 12-h hydrolysis of FW with fungal mash, the solid and soluble products were separated and harvested as solid biofertilizer and carbon source for denitrification respectively. Soluble COD produced from plant ash and biochar mediated FW hydrolysis could reach approximately 170 g/L on average, which showed a specific denitrification rate of 26.23–31.33 mg N/g MLVSS/h higher than that with commercial glucose (i.e. 25.92 mg N/g MLVSS/h). The applicability of solid biofertilizers produced from plant ash- or biochar-assisted hydrolysis of FW was evidenced by the higher germination rate of 138–166 % against that without exogeneous additives (122 %). It is expected that the proposed approach can offer an effective solution for upgrading FW into value-added products, while realizing a complete resource recycle with no wastes discharged. |
32. 题目: Exopolysaccharides in biological soil crusts are important contributors to carbon and nutrient storage after the restoration of inland sand dunes 文章编号: N25020804 期刊: Plant and Soil 作者: Karolina Chowaniec, Szymon Zubek, Kaja Skubała 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: Background and aimsInland sand dunes in a temperate climate constitute challenging environments for plant colonization. Organisms forming biological soil crusts (BSCs) secrete exopolysaccharides (EPS), which are key for soil aggregation and water/nutrient accumulation. We aimed to estimate the contribution of EPS excreted by BSCs to total organic carbon (TOC) and cationic nutrient accumulation and the contribution of photoautotrophs to C fixation and production of EPS in the succession process of inland dunes. MethodsWe quantified EPS, TOC, exchangeable K, and Ca concentrations, and photosynthetic biomass in BSCs collected from three successional stages after the restoration of inland dunes. ResultsOur study showed that C originated from EPS contributed mostly to TOC accumulated in BSC in the initial succession stage, however, this contribution was lower than observed in BSCs from arid climates. EPS content increased with BSC development, which was facilitated by photoautotrophs, yet participation of heterotrophs in EPS secretion cannot be excluded. Glycocalyx EPS fraction dominated and contributed to nutrient enrichment in BSCs. ConclusionOur results contribute to a deeper understanding of the importance of BSC in the accumulation of organic carbon and nutrients. This may prove useful in the restoration aimed at maintaining the specific vegetation of temperate inland dune ecosystems. Locally dispersed mechanical disturbances of biocrusts should be applied already in the initial stages of succession to maintain the aeolian activity and prevent accumulation of carbon and nutrients caused by the development of BSC. |
33. 题目: Humic acid improves water retention, maize growth, water use efficiency and economic benefits in coastal saline-alkali soils 文章编号: N25020803 期刊: Agricultural Water Management 作者: Ge Li, Yuyang Shan, Weibo Nie, Yan Sun, Lijun Su, Weiyi Mu, Zhi Qu, Ting Yang 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: Humic acid (HA) is an environmentally friendly and efficient soil amendment that plays a crucial role in the improving of saline-alkali soils. This study investigated the effects of HA on soil water retention, maize growth characteristics, water use efficiency (WUE), and economic benefits (∆NP) in coastal saline-alkali soil. Laboratory experiments tested five HA application rates (0, 1 ‰, 3 ‰, 5 ‰, and 7 ‰), examining their effects on soil infiltration, evaporation, and hydraulic parameters. Based on these findings, a three-year field experiment was conducted. During the maize growing seasons of 2019 and 2020, five HA application rates (H0: 0, H50: 50 kg ha−1, H150: 150 kg ha−1, H250: 250 kg ha−1, H350: 350 kg ha−1) were evaluated. In 2021, the improvement effects of HA were validated. The field experiment focused on the impacts of HA on soil water storage (SWS), desalination rate (RD), maize plant height (PH), leaf area index (LAI), aboveground dry matter (ADM), yield, WUE, and ∆NP. The results indicated that HA application increased cumulative infiltration by 0.83 %–9.92 %, extended the infiltration time required to reach the predetermined wetting front depth by 11.6 %–74.8 %, and reduced cumulative evaporation by 4.72 %–28.99 %. HA application rates showed a positive correlation with soil residual water content (θr) and saturated water content (θs), while exhibiting a negative correlation with saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks). Appropriate HA application significantly enhanced SWS, RD, PH, LAI, ADM, yield, WUE, and ∆NP. Principal component analysis revealed that the H250 treatment in 2019 and the H50 treatment in 2020 achieved the highest comprehensive rankings. Furthermore, the function analysis of WUE and ∆NP identified the optimal HA application rates as 193.5 kg ha−1 and 182.3 kg ha−1, respectively. These findings provide a theoretical basis for the improving coastal saline-alkali soils effectively. |
34. 题目: Ball-milled phosphate/micro zero-valent iron/biochar for lead and cadmium removal and stabilization in water and soil: Performance, mechanisms, and environmental applications 文章编号: N25020802 期刊: Separation and Purification Technology 作者: Diogene Tuyiringire, Xu Liu, Qinghua Zheng, Siqi Wang, Wenqi Zhang, Fuxuan Bi, Yupeng Zhang, Yifan Wang, Jianhua Qu, Ying Zhang 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: A novel composite, P-mZVIBC500, synthesized via ball milling of phosphate (P), macroscale zero-valent iron (mZVI), and biochar (BC), was developed for the simultaneous removal and stabilization of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in co-contaminated water and soil systems. The composite exhibited outstanding adsorption capacities of 243.57 mg/g for Pb and 132.67 mg/g for Cd, effectively reducing metal mobility and bioavailability. After 20 days of treatment with 1 % P-mZVIBC500 under optimized conditions (40 % soil moisture and pH 6.2), the bioavailable fractions of Pb and Cd decreased from 411.60 to 71.93 mg/kg and from 2.15 to 0.21 mg/kg respectively, meeting regulatory safety standards. P-mZVIBC500 demonstrated exceptional stability under fluctuating conditions, including freeze–thaw (F-T) and wet-dry (W-D) cycles. After 20 W-D cycles, Pb bioavailability decreased slightly by 1.76 % and Cd increased by 7.14 %. During F-T cycles, Pb decreased by 0.66 % and Cd by 4.00 %. Surface complexation, electrostatic attraction, and pore filling were key mechanisms for Pb and Cd immobilization. Additionally, P-mZVIBC500 enhanced soil quality by stimulating microbial activity and enzyme activities. In treated soil, Pb and Cd in cabbage leaves were reduced to 0.14 mg/kg and 0.028 mg/kg, respectively, complying with safety limits. The composite improved plant traits, increasing root activity by 132.16 % and total chlorophyll content by 323.22 %, while reducing bioconcentration and translocation factors by over 50 %. These findings highlight P-mZVIBC500 as a durable, efficient material for heavy metal remediation and sustainable environmental purification. |
35. 题目: Long-term warming offsets the beneficial effect of elevated CO2 on mineral associated organic carbon in Mollisols 文章编号: N25020801 期刊: Science of the Total Environment 作者: Xinqi SiMa, Yansheng Li, Zhenhua Yu, Haidong Gu, Junjie Liu, Judong Liu, Rui Fang, Xiaojing Hu, Xiaobing Liu, Guanghua Wang, Caixian Tang, Ashley Franks, Junjiang Wu, Shujie Miao, Yunfa Qiao, Jian Jin 更新时间: 2025-02-08 摘要: The stability of soil organic carbon (SOC) is fundamentally important to the carbon-climate feedback because soils act as a major carbon source or sink under climate change. The uncertainty of SOC stability in farming soils in response to climate change necessitates mechanistic studies on microbial attributes to the change of SOC. Here, we used open-top chambers to simulate elevated CO2 (eCO2) and warming for 12 years in a soybean-grown Mollisol. We did not find the change of SOC stock under eCO2 or warming. Although eCO2 resulted in the accumulation of mineral-associated organic carbon, this effect diminished under warming. The amplicon sequencing of 16S gene indicated a significant change in microbial community composition under warming or eCO2. The metagenomic sequencing demonstrated that warming increased the abundances of microbial genes related to decomposition of labile carbon such as hemicellulose and pectin. The warming-induced stimulation of microbial catabolic metabolisms on organic carbon decomposition might have accelerated SOC turnover, which may offset the increased mineral-associated organic carbon of the Mollisol under eCO2. Long-term eCO2 and warming might not significantly alter the SOC stock or stability but accelerate carbon cycling in farming Mollisols. |
36. 题目: CO2 agitation combined with magnetized biochar to alleviate “ammonia inhibited steady-state”: Exploring the mechanism by combining metagenomics with macroscopic indicators 文章编号: N25020515 期刊: Water Research 作者: Jiadong Yu, Muhammad Usman, Fan Liu, Franziska Schäfer, Yuhan Shen, Zehui Zheng, Yafan Cai 更新时间: 2025-02-05 摘要: The “ammonia inhibited steady-state” phenomenon is frequently observed in the anaerobic digestion (AD) process of nitrogen-rich substrates. Reconfiguring microbial ecosystems has proven to be an effective strategy for mitigating ammonia inhibition. In the current study, biochars were screened and targeted for modification. CO2 agitation combined with magnetized biochar was used to aid the semi-continuous AD systems with “ammonia inhibited steady-state.” The results indicated that coconut shell biochar had the best stimulating effect on AD performance. The content of oxygen-containing functional groups (OCFGs), which had a positive correlation with the electron donating capacity (EDC), was targeted to be regulated. This strategy significantly increased the CH4 yield by 31.7% (from 344 to 278 mL/g VS) (p<0.05). Isotope tracing and KEGG gene annotation indicated that this strategy stimulated the efficiency of the hydrogenotrophic pathway. Simultaneously, it accelerated the attachment of microorganisms, which made the DIET pathway between bacteria and archaea efficient. Under CO2 agitation, the attachment of functional microorganisms to the biochar accelerated. Biochar weakened the synthesis of bioelectronic carriers (Cyt-c and chemosensory pili), while the electroactivity of the AD system was enhanced. This means that biochar replaced bioelectronic carriers and improved the DIET efficiency. In addition, the strategy had a positive effect on the colonization of simultaneous nitrification-denitrifying bacteria (Georgenia), which led to a decrease in ammonia nitrogen concentrations. This study revealed the mechanism by which this strategy alleviates ammonia inhibition and provided a promising strategy for the efficient AD of nitrogen-rich substrates. |
37. 题目: Effects of logging residue on the growth and properties of the humus layer in Scots pine and Norway spruce stands 文章编号: N25020514 期刊: Forest Ecology and Management 作者: Harri Mäkinen, Aino Smolander 更新时间: 2025-02-05 摘要: The utilisation of forest-based primary biomass as a source of renewable energy is becoming increasingly prevalent as a means of reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. However, there has been a growing concern about the potential impact of increased organic matter and nutrient removal on long-term forest productivity. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of logging residue removal on stand productivity and soil C and N levels in Finland. The material was collected from young Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands 20–21 years following the final felling, as well as from a pine experiment that was established in conjunction with an intermediate thinning 20 years ago. In the young stands after final felling, the treatments were whole-tree harvesting, stem-only harvesting, and stem-only harvesting with a double amount of logging residues left on the plots. In the middle-aged stand after thinning, the residue levels were 0, 10, 20, and 30 Mg ha−1. In the young spruce stands, the removal of logging residue following the final felling resulted in a negative growth response, but the doubling of logging residue did not result in a further growth increase. In contrast, no treatment effects were observed in the growth of the Scots pine stands, both in the young stands after final felling and in the middle-aged stand after thinning. In the young stands after final felling, the logging residues had no significant impact on the amounts of humus layer C or N. In contrast, the logging residues increased the levels of both C and N in the humus layer of the middle-aged pine stand after thinning. It can be concluded that the removal of nutrients following the harvest of logging residue in final felling and thinning does not indicate significant issues with regard to the availability of nutrients, based on the data on tree growth. |
38. 题目: The land–ocean Arctic carbon cycle 文章编号: N25020513 期刊: Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 作者: Jorien E Vonk, Michael Fritz, Niek J Speetjens, Marcel Babin, Annett Bartsch, Luana S Basso, Lisa Bröder, Mathias Göckede, Örjan Gustafsson, Gustaf Hugelius, Anna M Irrgang, Bennet Juhls, McKenzie A Kuhn, Hugues Lantuit, Manfredi Manizza, Jannik Martens, Matt O’Regan, Anya Suslova, Suzanne E Tank, Jens Terhaar, Scott Zolkos 更新时间: 2025-02-05 摘要: Anthropogenic climate warming is amplified in the Arctic, impacting the Arctic carbon cycle and its role in regulating climate and global biogeochemical cycles. In this Review, we provide a quantitative and comprehensive overview of the present-day Arctic carbon cycle across the land–ocean continuum. Terrestrial soil stocks total 877 ± 16 Pg C, with upper marine sediments containing 82 ± 35 Pg C. Overall, the integrated Arctic system is a carbon sink, driven by oceanic uptake of CO2 (127 ± 36 Tg C year−1) and organic carbon burial in shelf sea sediments (112 ± 41 Tg C year–1). Terrestrial systems, including inland waters and disturbance, are a net source of CH4 (38 (21, 53) Tg C year–1) and CO2 (12 (–606, 661) Tg C year–1). The Arctic carbon sink will likely weaken under continued warming, owing to factors such as increased coastal erosion, outgassing of riverine organic carbon and enhanced nearshore carbon turnover lowering shelf sediment burial. Arctic greening and increases in terrestrial carbon sinks will be substantially offset by increases in soil respiration, disturbance from extreme events and enhanced emissions from inland waters. Future research should prioritize enhanced coverage of small catchments and nearshore regions, and inclusion of non-linear responses in biogeochemical models. |
39. 题目: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Contents in Soil Organic Matter Fractions Along an Elevation Gradient in the French Alps 文章编号: N25020512 期刊: European Journal of Soil Science 作者: Lise Marchal, Noelia Garcia‐Franco, David Gateuille, Luis Carlos Colocho Hurtarte, Christopher Just, Emmanuel Naffrechoux, Martin Wiesmeier, Jérôme Poulenard 更新时间: 2025-02-05 摘要: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous persistent organic pollutants that accumulate in soils because of their high affinity for soil organic matter (SOM). As these pollutants are toxic to humans and the environment, a better understanding of their fate in the environment is required. This study aimed to assess the PAH distribution within soils according to different soil fractions: the free particulate organic matter (fPOM), the occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM) and the mineral‐associated organic matter (MaOM). PAH contents were measured in bulk soils and SOM fractions of alpine soils along an elevation gradient in the French Alps (Lautaret) from 1920 m to 2840 m a.s.l. A specific PAH distribution was identified, with highest PAH contents in the oPOM, followed by the fPOM, then the MaOM. Organic matter (OM) contents of each fraction can partly explain this distribution, but results of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy on fPOM and oPOM also highlighted a correlation between the PAH contents and the degree of decomposition of SOM. This indicates that the PAH distribution may be linked to the formation and transformation of fractions: (i) PAHs in the fPOM correspond to relatively recent deposits and mainly reflect the background contamination, (ii) in the oPOM are the PAHs that resist biodegradation during the transformation of fPOM into oPOM and accumulate in the oPOM; this accumulation may be further enhanced by the formation of aggregates. Finally, (iii) in the MaOM, the lower PAH contents can be explained by the different formation pathway of this fraction and its high degree of decomposition. As the PAH distribution may have an impact on their dynamics in soils, it should be taken into consideration in future research. |
40. 题目: Influence of snow cover and microclimate on soil organic carbon stability in European mountain grasslands 文章编号: N25020511 期刊: Catena 作者: Nicolas Bonfanti, Jérôme Poulenard, Jean-Christophe Clément, Pierre Barré, François Baudin, Pavel Dan Turtureanu, Mihai Pușcaș, Amélie Saillard, Pablo Raguet, Bogdan-Iuliu Hurdu, Philippe Choler 更新时间: 2025-02-05 摘要: Soil organic carbon (SOC) is crucial for ecosystem function and carbon storage, especially in mountain regions where cooler temperatures limit microbial activity, leading to higher SOC stocks compared to lowlands. However, the available data are insufficient to fully understand the distribution of SOC properties along elevation and snow cover duration gradients. Given that climate change models predict a reduction in snow cover duration, it is essential to better characterize these properties at a finer, mesotopographic scale (e.g., ridges and slopes), corresponding to the distribution of mountain plant communities. This study investigates the impact of microclimate on SOC content and stability in European mountain grasslands. We focused on two types of grasslands on acidic soils to maintain homogeneity in key parameters such as soil properties and plant communities. These grasslands, located across temperate European mountain ranges (Alps, Pyrenees, Vosges, Balkans, Carpathians, Black Forest, Bohemian Forest, and Sudetes), span a gradient of snow cover duration, ranging from frost-exposed ridges dominated by Carex curvula, to intermediate grasslands, without frost, dominated by Nardus stricta. SOC content and stability were assessed using Rock-Eval® thermal analysis across all sites. The results indicate that microclimate significantly influences SOC properties. Cooler temperatures, driven by elevation and reduced snow cover duration, were associated with increased SOC content but decreased stability. On windy ridges, extended growing seasons combined with intense winter freezing led to higher SOC lability, as freezing slows down mineralization processes. In contrast, intermediate grasslands, with longer growing seasons, showed enhanced SOC stability due to higher decomposition activity. These findings provide valuable insights into how SOC properties may evolve under climate change, particularly in relation to rising temperatures and shifting snow cover dynamics. |
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